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coronavirus safety

Travelling with confidence with Waywiser


Over the last few weeks and months, our everyday lives have been hugely affected by Coronavirus. Many of us have been unable to work, visit friends and family, and holiday. All of us have been affected. At Waywiser we’ve been working hard with all of our affiliates, suppliers, and partners to ensure you can board any of our coaches with total confidence. Our team has been working with the government and our trade associations and following the very best health advice to ensure coach travel is safe for all. We’ve gone that extra mile to make sure all of the vehicles we supply are clean and safe, to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. Set out below is a summary of the work we’ve been doing to make sure you can travel in comfort and confidence.


1 Drivers

Our drivers have all received specialist training on the coronavirus and ways to keep clean and safe. Drivers are issued with personal protective equipment and driver protective screens have been fitted on all our vehicles.


2 Temperature Checking

All our drivers are temperature checked before their shift and we have personal temperature recording equipment on all our vehicles so if you wish you can check yourself or any member of your party.


3 Face coverings

We supply our drivers with personal protective equipment, gloves, and face masks, to wear and replace throughout the day. Customers may choose to wear face coverings (preferably face masks) as per government advice, although face coverings are not required for passengers travelling in the same social bubble.


4 Hand Sanitiser

Our drivers and vehicles all have hand sanitiser on board for you to use when you board or leave our vehicles, or as and when you like.


5 Cleaning

We have implemented enhanced cleaning regimes. Our vehicles are cleaned multiple times a day; which includes the disinfection of all high contact areas with antiviral products. Our regular overnight deep cleaning and valet programs always ensure our vehicles are spotlessly clean.


6 Air Purification

All our vehicles are fitted with specialist air conditioning and filtration systems but many of the vehicles we use have more advanced air filtration and purification systems specifically designed, tested, and approved to destroy chemically organic pollutants.


7 Social Distancing and Seating Capacity

Whilst passengers from the same social bubble are free to travel and sit where they like, we offer a full social distancing signage service where we will provide clear signage on the vehicles seating to encourage social distancing and also organise boarding protocols so passengers can board rear to front in social bubbles and family groups.

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